Counter Contaminations with UV Conveyor Belt Sterilisation Equipment
Contact points are a great concern to Australia’s food industry, promoting cross-contamination and potential consumer illness – but they aren’t the only ones, with each HVAC&R unit threatening airborne assaults, pushing bacterium across the conveyor. They cling to and infiltrate all produce, burrowing deep into dark, wet corners; and there they’ll flourish, with every particle expanding between the packaging plant and the grocery aisle.
This scenario is the unfortunate truth facing food processing facilities, with the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries noting a recent rise in product contamination – specifically through bacteria (Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter); viruses (Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, Norovirus); and toxins (Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus). Improperly protected work cultures breed pollutants, and this translates to health concerns for the entire nation. Utilising an ultraviolet conveyor belt sterilisation system, therefore, is crucial.
Australian Ultraviolet recognises the pressing need for quality food processing solutions, and this is why we connect our clients to UV conveyor belt sterilisation equipment, enabling them to enhance their environments and reduce the chance of surface contaminations. We deliver bespoke options to counter the growth of bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Learn more about our ultraviolet conveyor belt sterilization equipment by contacting us today on 0452-383-484.
The Necessity of UV Conveyor Belt Sterilisation
The Department of Health recently released a startling study about food poisoning incidences throughout the country – reporting that approximately 4.1 million men, women, and children experience gastroenteritis each year. This ailment typically reveals itself through a series of symptoms (including nausea, malaise, dehydration, muscle weakness, and stomach cramps) and is most often contracted via contaminated produce.
This alarming statistic highlights the need for ultraviolet conveyor belt sterilisation, with the same study noting that foodborne outbreaks are on the rise – with 15% more individuals suffering from infections in 2011 than previous years. The production and packaging processes require assistance. We provide that support, connecting the Australian food industry to UV conveyor belt sterilization equipment.
Choosing UV Conveyor Belt Sterilisation: Our System
To ensure safe work cultures, we offer our clients ultraviolet conveyor belt sterilization equipment. This system directly targets airborne and surface pollutants, utilising UV light waves to strip away 99.999% of all unwanted bacteria quickly. Through radiation treatment, companies can remove impurities, reduce cross-contamination concerns, and enhance overall food quality.
Ultraviolet conveyor belt sterilisation serves as a counterpoint to traditional chemicals and scrubbing agents. It safely and efficiently responds to all moving contaminants (which typically come from HVAC ducts), eliminating them before they can attach to food. Through this, UV conveyor belt sterilisation equipment combats issues of food poisoning – helping to bolster the wellness of the general public. It delivers anti-microbial protection and improves overall enzyme production (which allows produce to defend better against mould, viruses, and other shop-borne issues).
Ultraviolet conveyor belt sterilization equipment offers greater production responses for every company – promoting health and value for all. Contact us today via our online form. We’ll promptly respond to any questions or concerns.