Better Hygiene.
Less Spoilage.
24/7 broad spectrum protection against microbial contamination, ethylene and odour.

ChillSafe is a MPI, BioGro Organic, and HACCP certified air treatment product, supplied in sachet format, that generates hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) 24/7 for better hygiene and less spoilage throughout the entire supply chain.

Our ultra low dose vapour constantly treats the air and every surface of any space reaching the most hard to clean places and can be used wherever people work.
ChillSafe complements existing hygiene solutions creating an active ChillSafe Zone to reduce cross contamination risk over time and protect storage spaces and food against unwanted bacteria, mould, yeast, viruses, ethylene and odour.
ChillSafe in action on surfaces

Storage rack 6 months without ChillSafe installation

Storage rack 6 months with ChillSafe installation

Cool room ceiling before ChillSafe installation

Cool room ceiling 8 weeks after ChillSafe installation
Despite all the existing food safety and shelf-life
solutions, we still have significant issues.
Evidence of ChillSafe’s
efficacy in commercial trials

Reduction in Bacillus atrophaeus spores on biological indicators
This chart shows the cumulative effect of ChillSafe on Bacillus atrophaeus indicator spores commonly used to confirm hospital sanitation procedures using extremely high dose HPV treatment.
The study was conducted by the South Australian Research and Development Institute, in three independent food service establishment coolrooms, over three months confirming a 2-3 log reduction in viable spore counts.
Reduction of TVC in ChillSafe Treated Abattoir
This chart shows the results of microbial swabs collected at a commercial UK abattoir over a period of three months. The measured total viable count (TVC) decreased significantly on the walls of the Chill Hall, surface of the evaporator unit and a sample of offal retained within the environment.

Effect of ChillSafe on Ethylene in 3°C Coolroom
This chart highlights the effect of ChillSafe on ethylene gas introduced into a refrigerated space at high concentration. The dark blue line shows the reduction of ethylene without ChillSafe, the light blue line shows the accelerated reduction of ethylene in the same refrigerated space with ChillSafe.

ChillSafe sachets are available in two convenient sizes, C25 treats up to 25m3 and C50 treats up to 50m3.
The ChillSafe racking system optimises sachet performance and allows up to 5 sachets of any size to be daisy chained for larger spaces simplifying sachet installation, relocation for cleaning and replacement every 30 days.
ChillSafe works in any ambient or refrigerated food storage or handling area.
Simply install ChillSafe on the wall of any food storage space, either using the sticker provided on each sachet or the ChillSafe racking system, and water vapour in the air activates each sachet for 30 days.